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A people pleaser no more

By Sonia Salfity , Family Flavours - Jun 27,2021 - Last updated at Jun 27,2021

Photo courtesy of Family Flavours magazine

Summer’s door can lead to fun outdoor opportunities that we all take pleasure in. But summer can also open a door that some of us would rather keep shut. You desperate dieters know what I’m talking about... .

Swimsuit season and summer clothes mean no sweaters are available to cover the bountiful layers on our bodies. I remember how I used to wear a cardigan on hot summer days and pretend I needed it because I was chilly when in reality, I was burning hot and only used it to cover my hips. I don’t know who I was fooling, but I felt more confident going out in public with an extra layer of protection. Feeling insecure about the way we look and feel can cause us to make some interesting modifications to feel better about ourselves.

You’ve all heard the phrase ‘You are what you eat’. Well, I’m here to tell you that God created us for more than that! Our purpose on earth has nothing to do with food, but shame convinces us otherwise. We are not what we eat; we are who God created us to be! It’s time to stop believing the things the world around us believes. When we feel so insecure about ourselves and care so much about what others say about us, we set ourselves up for major disappointments. There is no pleasing people; the world around us will always find fault in us, whatever our size. When people judge us by our outer shell, then the problem lies with them. When we learn to love the person’s heart, we’re on to something real and lasting, not temporary and fluctuating. 

But this love starts with us first. We must learn to love ourselves enough to be consistent by: 


•Being mindful of our inner thoughts, how we feel about ourselves and what we value the most

•Reprioritising our lives so that our priorities reflect our true values instead of filling our ‘To Do List’ with what other people want us to do

•Setting small attainable goals that we can be consistent with and keep ourselves accountable. Bigger goals are only met when we are consistent in achieving the collection of smaller doable ones



ourselves to fail


Failing is not the problem. It’s failing to get right back up after each failure that is. We learn more from our failures than from our successes. If we can learn from what doesn’t work, then that’s half the battle. After all, insanity is defined as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results! 

It doesn’t have to be that complicated just because we have been desperate dieters for more years than we care to admit. May we learn to be consistent and not complacent. Kind, not judgmental. Strong, not overpowering. Steadfast, but not on autopilot.

As for that extra cover we’re tempted to wear, even during the hot summer months, let’s take cover instead in something more meaningful and more lasting. For me, it’s my faith. May we continually ask for His wisdom and guidance as we learn to manoeuvre through daily challenges and temptations in a world that is full of them.

Wishing you a healthy and happy summer ahead!


Reprinted with permission from Family Flavours magazine

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