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Jordan confirms its planes joined strikes on IS in Syria

By JT - Sep 23,2014 - Last updated at Sep 23,2014

AMMAN –– Jordan confirmed Tuesday that its warplanes had joined US-led strikes against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

"We took part in the strikes which are part of our efforts to defeat terrorism in its strongholds," AFP quoted Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani, who is also the government spokesperson.

Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) also said that Royal Jordanian Air Force launched at dawn air strikes against "terrorist groups" that were planning attacks in Jordan.

The JAF statement did not name the terrorist group and did not say where air strikes were, but indicated that Jordanian fighter jets destroyed a number of targets belonging to terrorists.

The air force jets returned safely to their bases, said the army statement.

The army statement is an indication that Jordan had joined the US-led strikes against IS in Syria as the  US Defence Department announced that the US and partner nation forces have begun airstrikes inside Syria against terrorists from IS.

Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Adm. John Kirby said in a statement the strikes were being undertaken through a mix of fighter and bomber aircraft and Tomahawk Land Attack missiles, he said.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 190 airstrikes across Iraq in the battle against ISIL forces. The decision to begin the airstrikes in Syria was made earlier Tuesday by Centcom Commander Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, the admiral said.

The strikes are being made under authorisation granted by the commander in chief, President Barack Obama, as part of the comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy IS.



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