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Lower House committees condemn Israel for intercepting Jordanian ambassador at Al Aqsa

By JT - Jan 17,2023 - Last updated at Jan 17,2023

The Old City of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock (right) and Al Aqsa Mosque (left) (AFP file photo)

AMMAN — The Lower House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday condemned the Israeli forces’ interception of Jordanian Ambassador to Tel Aviv Ghassan Majali while he was entering Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. 

The committee considered the Israeli measure as a violation of international laws and legislation and an undermining of Jordanian efforts to achieve the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestine on the June 4, 1967 lines.

Preventing the Jordanian ambassador from entering Al Aqsa Mosque is considered an attack on all Jordanians and their rights, highlighting  the need to stop these violations, the committee said. 

The committee called on the Jordanian government to reconsider all agreements and treaties signed between the Kingdom and Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assuming his position as leader of the Israeli government would undermine efforts to achieve a comprehensive and just peace, the committee added. 

Calling on the international community and human rights organisations to stop Israeli attacks, the committee reaffirmed that the Jordan-run Jerusalem Awqaf and Aqsa Affairs Department has the exclusive authority to administer the holy site’s affairs and manage entries to the site.

Also on Tuesday, the Lower House Palestine Committee condemned the Israeli move.

Head of the Committee MP Fayez Basbous said that such action is a blatant provocation and a flagrant violation of the Hashemite Custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites as well as an attempt to obstruct the work of the Jordan-run Jerusalem Awqaf and Aqsa Affairs Department. 

Basbous said that such violations are part of the far-right government and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s agenda.

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