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US hits Daesh from Mediterranean as regime, Kurds advance to Raqqa

By Agencies - Jun 05,2016 - Last updated at Jun 05,2016

Ahmad Barghout (2nd left) mourns the death of his father, who was killed earlier in the day following a reported air strike by Syrian government forces on the rebel-held Aleppo neighbourhood of Sakhour, on Saturday (AFP photo by Thaer Mohammad)

SINGAPORE/Beirut — The US Navy's top admiral says the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman has begun launching air strikes against the Daesh group from the Mediterranean Sea.

That opens a new direction of attack against the militants in Iraq and Syria.

Adm. John Richardson said in an Associated Press interview Saturday that this unusual arrangement is a demonstration of the flexibility of naval power. The navy for years positioned its carriers in the Arabian Gulf to conduct airstrikes against targets in the Middle East.

The Truman had been in the Gulf but in recent days moved into the eastern Mediterranean and resumed air operations. The Truman eventually will return to its home port at Norfolk, Virginia, and be replaced in the Gulf by the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Syria army thrusts into Daesh bastion as Kurds advance from north. 

Russian-backed Syrian troops pushed into the Daesh terror group's bastion province Raqqa Saturday, threatening to catch the extremists in a pincer movement as US-backed Kurdish-led fighters advance from the north. Agence France-Presse reported. 

The lightning advance from the southwest with Russian air support brought the army to within dozens of kilometres of the Euphrates Valley town of Tabqa, site of the country's biggest dam, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said.

The dam, some 50km upstream from the extremists’ de facto Syrian capital Raqqa city, is also the target of the Washington-backed offensive which Kurdish-led fighters launched late last month.

It was the first time that government troops had entered Raqqa province since they were ousted by Daesh in August 2014.

Regular army troops were backed by militia newly trained by the regime’s ally Russia, observatory Director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

He said the twin offensives, which threaten to cut off Daesh-held Raqqa from extremist-held territory along the Turkish border raised suspicions that Moscow and Washington were covertly coordinating operations by their respective Syrian allies.

“It seems there has been an undeclared coordination between Washington and Moscow,” he said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov discussed Syria with US Secretary of State John Kerry in a telephone call on Saturday, the foreign ministry in Moscow said, without giving details.

The “main priority” for Moscow, Lavrov said in an interview this week, was “more direct, effective and forceful measures” against Daesh and Al Nusra Front, whereas Western powers were opposed to the terrorist Al Nusra being targeted because of its alliances with “moderate” rebels.

At least 26 militants and nine government troops and militia were killed in the army’s advance, said the Britain-based observatory, which relies on reports from medics and activists on the ground.

Tabqa dam has a huge reservoir named Lake Assad after President Bashar Assad’s late father and predecessor Hafez.

When Daesh overran the area with its garrison and airbase in 2014, it summarily executed 160 captured
regime troops.

Daesh under multiple attack 


The militants are facing counter-attacks on multiple fronts.

Arab and Kurdish fighters backed by Washington have launched an assault on the strategic Manbij pocket further up the Euphrates on the Turkish border, regarded as a key entry point for foreign extremists.

Hundreds of kilometres downstream in neighbouring Iraq, elite troops have begun an assault on the emblematic Daesh bastion of Fallujah.

Iraqi security sources said army, police and Shiite militia forces gained new ground from Daesh on Saturday in the Saqlawiya area west of Fallujah.

In Syria, Washington has deployed more than 200 special forces troops in support of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which it regards as the most effective fighting force on the ground against Daesh in Syria.

The SDF controls a large swathe of northeastern Syria along the Turkish border and another border enclave in the northwest.

The SDF’s offensive against the Manbij pocket is aimed at seizing the last stretch of border still under Daesh control and denying the terrorists any opportunity to smuggle in recruits and funds.

The US military said the assault had captured more than 100 square kilometres of territory from Daesh this week.

Daesh has hit back with an offensive against two towns held by moderate rebels further west in a bid to enlarge the territory it holds on the border.

Washington has dropped ammunition to the rebels defending the town of Marea in a bid to stop the militants overrunning it, a US official confirmed.

The supply lines from neighbouring Turkey have made the northern border region one of the most contested battlegrounds of Syria’s five-year civil war.

The region is now controlled by a myriad of rival armed groups, although Daesh and the SDF have put other rebel groups on the back foot.

Washington’s support for the SDF has strained relations with NATO ally Ankara as its largest component is the Kurdish People’s Protection Units.

Ankara regards the YPG as an arm of the Kurdistan Workers Party which has fought a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state.

The increasingly complex front lines have left hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped by fighting or living under siege.

Damascus said on Friday that it was ready to allow desperately needed relief convoys into 12 besieged areas, but the United Nations said it was preparing to seek the government’s permission to organise air drops.



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