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Glorious Giloy
By Sheela Sheth , Family Flavours - Dec 12,2021 - Last updated at Dec 12,2021

This heart-leaved moonseed is herbaceous tropical vine that grows on trees and is native toIndia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China, Australia and Africa. Consumed in moderation, Giloy juice is proven to help fight infections by building immunity.
Giloy properties
The stems, rootsand leaves of the Giloy plant are known for boosting immunity. Theyare a powerhouse of antioxidantsthat fight free radicals, bacteria, liverdiseases and urinary tract infections.They’re also used to treat chronic fever and to improve digestion andgut health. The powder made fromthe stem mixed with ginger cantreat shortness of breath, cough and wheezing. Since Giloy acts as a hypoglycemic agent, it can control sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Hair health
Giloy is a panacea herb in traditional Indian medicine due to its healing and protective properties, especially hair health.It rejuvenates the body, skinand hair. Due to its anti-inflammatory property and ability to counterinflammation, it can combat hair and scalp ailments like dandruff and hair loss. It is traditionally used as a detoxifier to improve the skin, a moisturiser and anti-ageing concoction in tea and hair health. In several parts of India, Giloy powder paste is applied externally on the eyelids to boost vision.
Story of Giloy
It is always a journey to the world of herbs when visiting India and getting to taste something different every season.Looking at the stem of Giloy, I was reminded of the charming asparagus but with a much harder, thicker woody stem. It is organically grown as a medicinal plant and sold in powder form by pharmaceutical companies. Giloy products are available in most health stores.
Sheela’s special tea
Mix crushed Giloy leaveswith basil leaves and boilwith ginger and pepperpowder for 10 minutes. Stirin a teaspoon of honey tomake a perfect soothing tea.The soothing effects work wonders for health and well-being.
Reprinted with permission from Family Flavours magazine
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