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Soldering on & Planning to Succeed
By Sonia Salfity - Sep 29,2024 - Last updated at Sep 29,2024

Photo courtesy of Family Flavours magazine
By Sonia Salfity,
Desperate Dieter
You’ve heard it said: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This is definitely most apparent when it comes to our wellbeing.
We only fool ourselves when we think we can “wing it” and still be successful at taming our cravings.
Yet, we continue to fall victim to this lie that we somehow can overcome our weaknesses without doing the hard work ahead of time.
Putting “me” first
Everything worth fighting for takes effort and planning.
The real question is do we think we are worth the effort? If we truly believe that we deserve whatever it takes to set ourselves on the right course, then we would be giving our selfcare a higher priority.
I confess there are times when I feel too tired and discouraged to even bother.
This is especially true when I’m too busy taking care of other people.
We all have limited capacities.
There’s only so much energy in a day we get to expend.
If we use it all up on everyone else we have nothing left for own wellbeing.
Once we settle this question and truly believe we are worth the effort, we can begin our journey on the healthier course.
Quitting is simply not an option
Friends, I’m here to tell you that no matter how tired or discouraged you might feel, don’t let that stop you.
A good soldier doesn’t surrender, but instead fights till the last breath.
Like them, we soldier on no matter how exhausted we are.
This is how we must view the daily battles we face.
Think of the helmet as the things that protect your thoughts and everything that goes through your head.
Sift through these thoughts and get rid of the negative ones that serve no good purpose but to destroy you.
Visualise your body shield as the things that guard you from outside interferences. These are the arrows of temptation that come to you from every direction.
Some of these come from inside your own kitchen like the leftovers that keep calling your name.
Others come from outside like those well intentioned friends that insist you must taste their latest homemade desert.
No matter the source of these arrows, keep your shield up and don’t be taken by surprise.
This is where good planning can help you succeed.
Whether it’s preplanning your meals or your exercise regimen, good planning will always save the day.
Here are some of my go-to tips that might help you too!
Plan to fill your water bottle the night before.
This way it’s ready to go when you wake up and you’re more likely to reach for it and stay hydrated before you leave the house.
If you don’t have a water bottle, now is the time to get one!
Plan to rid your kitchen pantry of any unhealthy ingredients before they work their way into your body.
Do this weekly and it will take less than 10 minutes out of your busy schedule.
Do the same with your refrigerator and freezer.
It’s amazing how often junk unintentionally makes it into our homes.
It sneaks under the radar and oftentimes camouflages itself.
When things appear to look healthy, take a second look at the listed ingredients before you determine if they can stay or go Plan to take a short walk after dinner even if you don’t feel like it.
This can prevent you from taking second helpings when you know you have to move your body after you eat.
Otherwise you’ll feel way too sluggish to get off the couch!
Keep your shield up and don’t be taken by surprise
Plan to skip desert and call a good friend instead.
It’s sweeter to connect with them and share a few laughs than splurge on something that will only give you heartburn
Plan to learn something new every day. Curiosity is a gift and must be nurtured.
We tend to be less curious than our childhood versions yet continued learning is healthy for the mind.
It takes us out of our own heads and develops a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle of life unfolding all around us.
Take, for example, the miracle of breath.
We never think twice about how amazing it is that we have the ability to breathe.
Like many other gifts we take for granted, without the breath of life God breathes into us, we wouldn’t be here.
Plan your menu for the week and shop accordingly.
It goes without saying that you should use recipes that align with your health goals.
Plan to pick up a good book instead of mindlessly scrolling on your smart phone or binge watching TV shows.
You’re less likely to crave snacks when you get lost in a good book. Plan to be grateful for each day because none of us are guaranteed another tomorrow Here’s to planning to live our lives fully one day at a time, one breath at a time!
Reprinted with permission from Family Flavours magazine.
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