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Barry Eichengreen
By Barry Eichengreen - Jan 19,2021
BERKELEY — With the Democrats’ stunning sweep of Georgia’s two Senate run-off elections handing them control of both houses of Congress as of January 20, the idea of $2,000 stimulus checks for every household is sure to be back on the agenda in the United States.
By Barry Eichengreen - Dec 23,2020
BERKELEY — Last March, when COVID-19 infected the world economy, many observers feared that emerging markets and developing countries would suffer the most, financially and otherwise.
By Barry Eichengreen - Nov 10,2020
BERKELEY — Presidential transitions are never easy, especially when they involve an incumbent president defeated at the polls. But this time the transition occurs in the midst of an unprecedented crisis.
By Barry Eichengreen - Oct 14,2020
BERKELEY — The odds of Scotland becoming independent are rising by the day. In Scotland’s 2014 referendum, some 45 per cent of voters favored independence.
By Barry Eichengreen - Sep 14,2020
BERKELEY — April marked the most dramatic and, some would say, dangerous phase of the COVID-19 crisis in the United States.
By Barry Eichengreen - Aug 16,2020
BERKELEY — The dollar is in free-fall! The global greenback is doomed! scream recent headlines.
By Barry Eichengreen - Jul 14,2020
BERKELEY — COVID-19 is not going away, and other dangerous viruses may be coming. This means it is time to face the grim truth: many of the pandemic’s effects on our economies and societies will be persistent, even permanent.Some of these changes are already evident.
By Barry Eichengreen - Jun 08,2020
BERKELEY — Two weeks of massive, nationwide demonstrations against police violence and racial bias have raised concerns about a second wave of COVID-19 infections in the United States.
By Barry Eichengreen - Feb 12,2020
BERKELEY — Donald Trump’s “America First” policies are widely regarded as an abdication of global leadership, sounding the death knell of the post-World War II multilateral order that the United States shaped and sustained. There is much truth to this view.
By Barry Eichengreen - Jan 15,2020
AMSTERDAM — The European Central Bank (ECB) is undergoing a changing of the guard: A new president, a new chief economist and two new executive board members.