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Project Syndicate
By Project Syndicate - May 25,2016
Over the last 10 years, “climate change” has become almost synonymous with “carbon emissions”.The reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, measured in tonnes of “carbon equivalents” (CO2e) has emerged as the paramount objective in the quest to preserve the planet.Bu
By Project Syndicate - May 22,2016
During the last century, the battle to secure equality for women and girls has been fought in the classroom, in the voting booth and in the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies.But if gender inequality is ever to be abolished, we can no longer afford to neglect one of its major ca
By Project Syndicate - May 21,2016
All too often in politics, the choice is between the very bad and the even worse.For the residents of Central and Eastern Europe, the June referendum in the United Kingdom over whether Britain should exit the European Union is just such a case.A British exit (“Brexit”) would impo
By Project Syndicate - May 16,2016
Even as the United States and its allies carry out aerial bombardments in Iraq and Syria, their target, Daesh, may be preparing to retaliate on another front.By taking the battle into cyberspace, Daesh would gain many of the advantages of asymmetric warfare — unless the US organi
By Project Syndicate - May 08,2016
On April 22, dignitaries representing no fewer than 175 parties signed the global climate change agreement concluded in Paris in December, setting a record for the adoption of an international accord.The show of support is heartening.
By Project Syndicate - May 08,2016
Pope Francis has called corruption “the gangrene of a people”.
By Project Syndicate - May 05,2016
A few years ago, the global campaign to eradicate polio seemed to have stalled.
By Project Syndicate - May 02,2016
The Nuclear Security Summit process, which concluded earlier this month in Washington, DC, shows what can be achieved when political leaders come together to concentrate on a global problem.The six-year initiative, focused on preventing nuclear terrorism, produced important outco
By Project Syndicate - Apr 28,2016
Last December in Paris, world leaders came together to agree on a set of goals and pathways for decarbonising the global economy and increasing our capacity to adapt to climate change.It was a landmark achievement, but it was just the beginning.Every country — with the supp
By Project Syndicate - Apr 20,2016
By now, it has become almost a cliché to say that the war on drugs has failed.The prohibitionist approach, most fully articulated by former US president Richard Nixon, has done little to curb drug use, but it has had devastating consequences for individuals and societies worldwid